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Avoiding Export Control Loopholes: A Risky Path

Stay compliant with US export controls and avoid costly mistakes by understanding critical diligence practices.

What Questions We Will Answer in this blog:

  • What are the limitations of form-based due diligence in export controls?

  • How does the “high probability” standard affect compliance efforts?

  • What should exporters do to avoid enforcement risks related to perceived loopholes?


Export controls are essential for maintaining national security and upholding international trade laws. However, as we navigate these regulations, it's crucial to address the limitations of form-based diligence and understand how enforcement standards are evolving. This blog will delve into the complexities of US export controls, focusing on the risks associated with form-based due diligence and the importance of a thorough compliance strategy.

“In export controls, relying solely on form-based diligence can be a dangerous oversight. It's vital to understand the full scope of compliance requirements to safeguard your operations and reputation.” – Arne Mielken, Managing Director of Customs Manager Ltd

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