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Cuba: Navigating Sanctions To Trade with Cuba

With Cuba under US sanctions, understanding compliance requirements is crucial. Here's how to protect your interests and trade legally.

What Questions We Will Answer in this blog:

  • What are the key aspects of the US embargo on Cuba?

  • How do UK and EU blocking statutes impact trade with Cuba?

  • What are the compliance risks and considerations for trade with Cuba?


Trade with Cuba can be complex, especially if you deal with U.S. origin products. It can be come a delicate matter, given the long-standing US embargo and the subsequent global responses. Professionals in import, export, and customs management must navigate this challenging landscape with care and precision.

"When engaging in trade with Cuba, the focus must be on compliance, safeguarding legitimate business, and understanding the intricacies of international sanctions laws."— Arne Mielken, Managing Director of Customs Manager Ltd.

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