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EUDR: Europe's Deforestation-Free Move

Europe’s Bold Move Towards Deforestation-Free Products - Find out more

In a groundbreaking shift towards environmental stewardship, the European Union has introduced the European Union Deforestation Regulation (EUDR). This sweeping regulation signifies the EU’s steadfast commitment to eradicating deforestation and forest degradation from global supply chains. Let’s delve into the essentials of the EUDR and explore how this pivotal regulation shapes our industry.

What Questions We Will Answer in This Blog:

  • What are the primary objectives of the EUDR?

  • How does the EUDR affect businesses and consumers?

  • What steps should businesses take to comply with the EUDR?


The EUDR represents a landmark regulatory framework aimed at halting the destructive cycle of deforestation linked to global trade. As environmental crises intensify, this regulation stands as a testament to Europe's determination to tackle climate change and biodiversity loss with integrity and commitment.

"Understanding the EUDR is not just about compliance; it’s about embracing a new era of responsible trade and contributing to a more sustainable future." — Arne Mielken, Managing Director of Customs Manager Ltd

Abbreviations We Use in This Blog

  • EUDR: European Union Deforestation Regulation

What are the Primary Objectives of the EUDR?

The EUDR is designed to achieve several critical goals:

  1. Eliminate Deforestation-Linked Products: This regulation bans the import and sale of products associated with deforestation and forest degradation. Commodities such as beef, palm oil, soybeans, wood, cocoa, and coffee are the primary targets. By excluding these products from the European market, the EUDR aims to disrupt the deforestation drivers and encourage sustainable production practices.

  2. Reduce Carbon Emissions: The EUDR aims to cut carbon emissions by at least 32 million metric tons annually. This ambitious target is expected to generate approximately €3.2 billion in annual savings while enhancing the role of forests in mitigating climate change. It reflects a critical step in the EU's broader climate strategy and aligns with the EU Green Deal’s goals.

  3. Combat Illegal Deforestation: Addressing both legal and illegal aspects of deforestation, the EUDR targets illegal logging and forest degradation linked to commodity production. This approach not only promotes lawful practices but also seeks to curtail illicit activities that contribute to environmental harm.

  4. Protect Biodiversity: By curbing deforestation, the EUDR plays a vital role in preserving biodiversity. Forests are essential for maintaining a diverse range of species, and this regulation aims to safeguard the habitats that support them.

How Does the EUDR Affect Businesses and Consumers?

For Consumers:

The EUDR ensures that products purchased within the EU are free from links to deforestation. This guarantee empowers consumers to make environmentally responsible choices, fostering a sense of trust and satisfaction in their purchases. It reflects a growing consumer demand for sustainability and ethical sourcing.

For Businesses:

Companies importing goods into the EU must adhere to new due diligence requirements. These include tracing the origins of products, assessing deforestation risks, and providing evidence of compliance. Businesses will need to adapt to these requirements, which could involve significant changes in their supply chain management. This shift towards greater transparency and accountability is crucial for meeting evolving consumer expectations and regulatory standards.

What Steps Should Businesses Take to Comply with the EUDR?

To navigate the complexities of the EUDR and ensure compliance, businesses should consider the following actions:

  1. Implement Robust Due Diligence Processes: Develop and integrate comprehensive systems to track the origins of products and assess the risk of deforestation. This includes working closely with suppliers and third-party auditors to verify compliance.

  2. Invest in Sustainable Practices: Embrace and promote sustainable sourcing practices within your supply chain. This will help you meet regulatory requirements and enhance your company’s reputation as a responsible trader.

  3. Stay Informed and Adapt: The regulatory landscape is dynamic, and staying abreast of updates and changes is crucial. Regularly review and adapt your policies and practices to align with evolving legal and environmental standards.

Download our EUDR Summary Briefing

Arne’s Takeaway

The EUDR is a bold and necessary initiative aimed at fostering a more sustainable and ethical global trade system. For businesses, understanding and adapting to these regulations is not merely a compliance exercise but a step towards greater corporate responsibility and environmental stewardship. Our ability to integrate sustainability into our operations and supply chains will define the future of trade.

Expert Recommendations:

  • Develop and implement comprehensive due diligence procedures to meet EUDR requirements.

  • Invest in sustainable sourcing and production practices.

  • Keep abreast of regulatory updates and adapt your strategies accordingly.

How My Team and I Can Help

Along with a dedicated team of specialists, we offer comprehensive support for understanding and implementing the EUDR. My team and I provide bespoke consultancy, practical assistance, and training tailored to customs professionals, importers, and exporters. We offer public, in-house, and on-demand training, along with weekly customs trade intelligence and updates. For more details on our services, visit

Sources That We Base Our Information on This Blog

To dive deeper into the EUDR and related legal frameworks, members can:

  • Subscribe to The Customs Watch — our weekly update on customs regulations and policies.

  • Visit our Knowledge Hub Content Library at for a wealth of information on customs and trade regulations.

  • Search our library for specific topics here: Search Results.

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About the Author

I, Arne Mielken, am a customs, export control, and sanctions expert with over 20 years of experience. I have worked in top consultancy roles and trade associations and am proud to be a Freeman of the City of London and a Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of World Traders. My expertise spans numerous customs, export control, and sanctions associations.

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Learn more about me here and connect with me on LinkedIn. I also run a channel offering free tips on customs, export controls, and sanctions.

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Useful EUDR Downloads

EUDR Training

Join “Mastering EUDR for Import and Export” to understand the EU’s regulation on deforestation-free products in depth. Learn to identify EUR-regulated products, handle compliance, and issue Due Diligence Statements.


The information provided in this blog post is for educational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice. Consulting with legal professionals and specialists for specific compliance requirements is recommended. Book a free call with our expert at Customs Manager Ltd.


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