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Report of the 2023 UK ECJU Export Control Symposium

The 2023 ECJU Export Control Symposium was a highly anticipated event that brought together experts, policymakers, and industry leaders in the field of export control. We report on the main results and share PowerPoint Presentations for download.

What is a UK ECJU Export Control Symposium?

This symposium aimed to facilitate discussions on emerging trends, challenges, and opportunities in the ever-evolving landscape of export control regulations. Arne Mielkem, MD of Customs Manager Ltd and certified export control specialist, took part in panel discussions, informative presentations, and networking opportunities that allowed him to stay updated on the latest developments and exchange ideas with fellow professionals.

Why do export controls matter in the UK?

Export control is of utmost importance in international trade as it helps ensure the security and protection of a country's strategic assets, sensitive technologies, and national interests. By regulating the export of goods, technologies, and services, countries can prevent the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, curb terrorism financing, and maintain a level playing field for businesses. Moreover, export control helps countries maintain their economic competitiveness by safeguarding intellectual property and preventing the unauthorized transfer of sensitive technologies to adversaries. Overall, a robust and effective export control system is crucial for maintaining global security and fostering fair and sustainable international trade.

What were the key objectives of the UK ECJU Export Control Symposium?

The symposium aims to address these pressing issues and facilitate discussions on best practices and strategies for strengthening export control systems. Key objectives include sharing knowledge and experiences on effective export control measures, exploring innovative technologies and tools for enhancing export control capabilities, and fostering collaboration among countries to improve information sharing and coordination. By focusing on these objectives, the symposium seeks to contribute to the global effort in maintaining global security and promoting a level playing field for international trade

Main Outcomes of the UK ECJU Export Control Symposium

  • During the symposium, various topics and issues were addressed in plenary and in workshops.

  • These included the identification of best practices and lessons learned in implementing export control measures, which aimed to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of these measures.

  • Additionally, strategies and initiatives were developed to enhance export control capabilities and address emerging challenges in the global trade landscape.

  • The establishment of networks and partnerships among participating countries was also emphasized to foster ongoing collaboration and information sharing.

  • Furthermore, recommendations and guidelines were formulated to strengthen international export control systems and frameworks.

  • Finally, the main outcomes and conclusions reached by participants were highlighted, shedding light on the progress made and future directions in the field of export control.

Key topics and issues addressed during the symposium

WORKSHOP 1: The Strategic Export Licensing Criteria and the application assessment process.

In this workshop, we focused on the Strategic Export Control Licencing Criteria the levels of risk in trading in overseas markets and the need for due diligence.

WORKSHOP 2: Protecting classified information and material

MOD Form 680s, exhibition clearances and Private Venture security grading. This session provided an overview of the Form 680 process, when and why exhibition clearances are needed (such as open licences), and PV security grading of items not subject to a government contract.

WORKSHOP 3: Understanding unnecessary delays to licence applications and how to get them right the first time.

This session covered incomplete essential fields; incorrect or absent supporting documentation, end-user undertaking errors, incorporation concerns; excessive quantities

WORKSHOP 4: HMRC - Why Goods are Intercepted by Customs, Enforcement Action, and Outcomes

WORKSHOP 5: Navigating the control lists

WORKSHOP 6: Update on the future system for processing licences: The LITE programme

This session provided an update on the development of the new Licensing System to replace SPIRE.

WORKSHOP /: US Export Control Compliance for Beginners

This session provided an overview of US export control regulations covering ITAR, EAR and the Export Control Review. It covered

  • Relevance of ITAR and EAR to UK exporters

  • Explanation of key terminology used in ITAR and EAR regulations

  • Key challenges associated with ITAR

  • Key challenges associated with EAR

WORKSHOP 8: US Export Control Compliance for Intermediate

This session provided an overview of U.S. Export Controls, the current state of ECR, and proposed legislative changes. It covered

  • Is the item under the EAR or the ITAR and what is the impact?

  • Developing a framework for order of review from USML to 600 series to general CCL

  • Understanding when and how to apply the “specifically” designed test

  • Grasping how classification under ITAR, 600 series or general CCL impacts your business

  • Developing a framework to apply the “de minimis” and direct product rules under the EAR


The 2023 ECJU Export Control Symposium was a gathering of experts, policymakers, and industry leaders to discuss emerging trends, challenges, and opportunities in export control regulations. Export control is crucial for maintaining global security and fostering fair international trade. Key objectives of the symposium included sharing best practices, exploring innovative technologies, and fostering collaboration among countries. Key topics addressed included strategic export licensing criteria, protecting classified information and material, understanding delays to license applications, HMRC workshops, technical assessment unit workshops, and the future system for processing licenses. The symposium also covered US export control compliance for beginners and intermediates, covering topics such as ITAR, EAR, and the Export Control Review.

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