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UK BTOM: POAO Easement Ended

Easement for the use of scanned EHCs for imports of EU/EFTA POAO ended on 31 July

HMRC has informed businesses that as of July 31, the temporary easement period allowing for the use of scanned copies of export health certificates (EHCs) for imports of Products of Animal Origin (POAO) from the EU and EFTA is concluding. This change is by The Official Controls (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations UK SI 2024 No. 541 Part 2, Regulation 5.


Since January 31, 2024, importers have been able to use verifiable PDF health certificates for POAO imports from EU and EFTA countries. These certificates, created in systems like TRACES or equivalent national SPS export systems, must be electronically verified and uploaded to IPAFFS. The full list of accepted nations can be found on the UK government website.

Verifiable PDFs simplify the process by eliminating the need for physical paper certificates during import checks. Importers only need to upload the verified PDF to IPAFFS, ensuring a smoother flow through border control posts (BCPs).

Action Required

From today August 1, 2024, any consignments arriving in Great Britain with only a scanned copy of a paper health certificate will face stricter requirements. Specifically:

  • The original paper certificate must be presented to the Port Health Authority (PHA) or local authority (LA) at the BCP in advance of or upon arrival.

  • Without the original certificate, consignments may be held until the proper documentation is provided.

To avoid delays, importers are encouraged to use verifiable PDF health certificates whenever possible. These PDFs must bear valid digital signatures and adhere strictly to the attestation guidelines.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What was the easement? A: The easement temporarily allowed for remote documentary checks using scanned copies of EHCs, removing the need for original certificates upon or before arrival. This easement ends on July 31, 2024, with no extensions planned.

Q: What steps should importers take? A: Importers should request verifiable PDF Export Health Certificates from their suppliers, ensuring they are correctly uploaded to IPAFFS. If only paper certificates are available, a scanned copy should be uploaded, and the original must accompany the consignment or be sent ahead to the PHA/LA at the BCP.

Q: Will the requirements apply to EHCs submitted before August 1? A: Yes, if the consignment arrives on or after August 1, the original EHC must be provided to the PHA/LA.

Q: How can I identify a verifiable PDF Export Health Certificate? A: A verifiable PDF Export Health Certificate is electronically issued, includes a QR code or hyperlink for validation, and is digitally signed by an official vet or authority. It will display as a 'Digitally signed PDF' in Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Q: Where can I find the list of countries providing verifiable PDF EHCs? A: The list is available on the UK government website.

Q: What if a consignment arrives on August 1 without a paper certificate? A: Importers should ensure the original EHC is with the consignment or provided to the BCP beforehand. In exceptional cases, contact the Port Health Authority for further guidance.

Q: What if only a scanned copy of the paper EHC is available? A: The original paper EHC must accompany the consignment or be sent in advance to the PHA at the BCP.


To ensure compliance and avoid disruptions, importers, and exporters should transition to using verifiable PDF health certificates for POAO imports from the EU and EFTA. This change will streamline the import process and adhere to the new regulatory requirements starting August 1, 2024. For further details, visit the UK government website.

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