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New Deadline: UK Safety & Security Declarations

The introduction of S&S declarations for UK imports from the UK has been postponed, but are you prepared for January 2025? Let’s discuss what it means for you.

What Questions I Will Answer in this blog

  • When will Safety and Security declarations be required for UK imports from the EU?

  • How should businesses prepare for the new S&S rules for imports?

  • What key steps should customs professionals take to stay compliant?


The customs landscape is continuously evolving, and recent announcements regarding Safety & Security (S&S) declarations on EU imports reflect the need to stay agile. The implementation deadline for S&S declarations has now shifted from 31 October 2024 to 31 January 2025. This gives businesses an additional three months to prepare, but it's crucial to start planning now to avoid any compliance pitfalls.

“Flexibility and foresight are the key to maintaining compliance with evolving customs regulations. Let’s use this extra time to get everything in place.”— Arne Mielken, Managing Director, Customs Manager Ltd

Abbreviations I Use in this Blog

For ease of understanding, I will define the abbreviations used throughout this blog:

  • S&S: Safety and Security

  • RoW: Rest of World (referring to countries outside the EU)

Let’s dive into some of the most pressing questions surrounding this change.

1. When Will S&S Declarations Be Required for UK Imports From the EU?

Answer: The UK Government has announced that from 31 January 2025, all businesses importing goods from the EU will need to submit Safety and Security declarations. This is a major shift in UK import compliance. Originally, the deadline was set for 31 October 2024, but it has now been extended due to unforeseen delays caused by the recent election. The additional three months offer much-needed breathing room for businesses to prepare for the new rules. However, early adoption is encouraged for those who are ready to comply.

2. How Should Businesses Prepare for the New S&S Rules for Imports?

Answer: Preparation is absolutely critical. With the deadline of 31 January 2025 fast approaching, businesses must start planning now. For those already familiar with submitting S&S declarations for RoW imports, this process will be somewhat familiar. However, for others, there will be a significant learning curve. Here's what businesses can do:

  • Review Your Current Import Procedures: Analyse how you currently handle S&S declarations for non-EU imports, and identify any gaps in your process that might impact UK-EU imports.

  • Get Training: Consider professional training to ensure that you and your team are fully prepared. I offer tailored training that focuses on customs clearance, import/export processes, and compliance with S&S declarations.

  • Collaborate with Partners: Engage with your freight forwarders and customs agents to ensure they are fully aware of the upcoming requirements and timelines. Working together now will minimise disruptions later.

3. What Key Steps Should Customs Professionals Take to Stay Compliant?

Answer: For customs professionals, integrity, attention to detail, and accountability are key. Here's a checklist to follow:

  • Understand the Legal Framework: Study the new legal obligations related to S&S declarations for UK imports from the EU. This will ensure your operations remain compliant with both UK customs and export control regulations.

  • Invest in Technology: Consider upgrading your customs systems to streamline the process of submitting S&S declarations. Automation can greatly reduce errors and increase efficiency.

  • Plan Ahead for Contingencies: What if the rules change again? What if there are delays at the border? Having a robust contingency plan will help you adapt to unforeseen challenges.

Arne’s Takeaway

The introduction of Safety & Security declarations for UK imports from the EU on 31 January 2025 marks a critical turning point in UK trade compliance. This shift is more than just a regulatory change—it’s a chance to future-proof your business operations and avoid potential disruptions at the border. Businesses that act now will find themselves in a much stronger position, both in terms of compliance and competitiveness.

Expert Recommendations

  • Start Now: Don’t wait until the last minute. Begin preparations now to ensure you're fully compliant by January 2025.

  • Get Trained: Invest in professional training to ensure you and your team understand the new rules and how they apply to your business.

  • Engage with Stakeholders: Stay in close contact with your freight forwarders, customs agents, and import/export professionals to ensure a smooth transition to the new requirements.

Fancy a call?

Need help navigating the upcoming changes? I offer comprehensive support for UK import compliance. I would love to talk to you about your questions and challenges with S&S declarations for UK imports from the EU. I offer a free expert call of up to one hour, which you can book seamlessly here.I provide public, in-house, and on-demand training tailored for customs professionals, importers, exporters, and their partners. Our membership services include weekly customs trade intelligence and updates. I also offer UK import and export customs clearance services. For more details on services, visit

Sources That I Base Our Information in This Blog On

The information provided here is based on the latest Government announcements regarding S&S declarations for UK imports. I closely monitor updates to ensure the most accurate advice. More information here:

Where to Find More Information On This Topic

To dive deeper into S&S declarations, subscribe to The Customs Watch—our weekly consolidation of updates to law, guidance, and policy.Visit our Knowledge Hub Content Library at, where I have a wealth of information on this topic. Members can search our library for any topic here.

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About the Author

I, Arne Mielken, am a customs, export control, and sanctions expert with over 20 years of experience. I have worked as an executive director for many years in Big 4 Consultancy, global trade management technology companies, and many international trade and export UK and EU trade associations. I am proud to be a Freeman of the City of London and a Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of World Traders. I am also a member of many customs, export control & sanctions associations.

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You can learn more about me here and connect with me on LinkedIn. I also run a channel where you can get free tips and advice on customs, export controls, and sanctions.

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The information provided in this blog post is for educational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice. Consulting with legal professionals, specialists, or specific compliance requirements and guidance is recommended. Book a free call with our expert at Customs Manager Ltd.

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